Starting from:


96 General Library (Bundle)

NOTE: Due to the size of the library (30+ GB), you will receive 100% discount codes for each separate volume immediately upon purchase with instructions on how to redeem them. This is to assist in the downloading of large files (4+ GB per volume)

A massive bundle that includes both of the current volumes of the "96 General Library" series at a discounted price! This includes:

1) 96 General Library - Volume I (1,000 sounds) 
2) 96 General Library - Volume II (1,000 sounds) 

3) 96 General Library - Volume III (1,000 sounds) 

4) 96 General Library - Volume IV (1,000 sounds) 

5) 96 General Library - Volume V (1,000 sounds) 

6) 96 General Library - Volume VI (1,000 sounds) 

7) 96 General Library - Volume VII (1,000 sounds) 


For a grand total of 7,000 general sound effects (31.5GB) for only £139.99 (originally ~£280 if bought separately), all royalty-free and attribution-free! All of the sounds are formatted at 96kHz / 24-bit, allowing you to manipulate the sounds even further.

All volumes are fully compatible with the Universal Category System (UCS) - a public domain initiative establishing a standardized category list for the classification of sound effects.

With the bundled version, you also receive bonus sounds from InspectorJ's 44.1kHz libraries!

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